Evolution of Leadership - Analyzing Leadership approaches in National Bank of Oman

Number of Words : 3569

Number of References : 21

Assignment Key : LN-19816


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This report is based on the following requirements -
You will produce a written report of 3000 words (+/- 10%) that critically assesses and evaluates your organisation and sector using organisational systems and structures theory (vMEME) and all the types of approaches and models of organisational strategy it contains.
Critically analyse particular leadership problems and challenges through critical evaluation and appropriate application of theory
1. Critically evaluate how certain types of leadership/management styles differ depending on history, culture, geographic life and conditions
2. Critically evaluate how certain types of leadership/management styles impact people performance, productivity
3. Critically evaluate how certain types of leadership/management styles determine who will ‘follow and how’.
4. Critically evaluate your personal leadership capabilities and critically analyse the need for future development
Through application of Seven Leadership Mindsets Theory (vMEME) you will have a tool (and the skill) to critically assess and evaluate all types of organisational and sector theories worldviews that include USA, UK, China, European countries, India, Oman, GCC, African countries, etc. Leadership is different depending on the relevant mindset (life conditions, how humans individuals adapt to successfully compete and socio-cultural elements). Inevitably leadership mindset impacts everything in a company – strategy, people, performance, productivity, etc.

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