Critical evaluation on the views of Socrates

Number of Words : 1604

Number of References : 6

Assignment Key : OS-192


  • Content for this assignmentThis paper describes the position of Socrates and offering some personal criticism of that position, the paper demonstrates the ability to report attentively the views of others and to take and defend an ethical stand of their own.


Can a man commit an unethical act if he deeply understood as to why the act was unethical? Socrates, a philosopher lived in 5th century B.C in ancient Greece, said no; if the man truly understood the consequences of a certain act as painful to other human beings (The Radical Academy, 2003). He preached that if a man truly knew in his heart and mind that a certain act is unethical, he would not do it. He said that the man who is knowledgeable enough cannot commit immoral acts. He also said the man who truly knows the effects of his immoral acts does not commit them. Morality is a personal issue. There is no absolute right or wrong. A moral act to one person can be immoral to the other and vice versa. However, ethics is a kind of collective morality or the code of conduct and living life in a good way. So what Socrates preaches is that there can be no immoral or unethical act or practice under the umbrella of true knowledge (Philosophy.lander, 2001). Do knowledge and moral ethics go hand in hand?

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