Essay on "What can performance coaching offer to learning and development practice within an organisation"

Number of Words : 2764

Number of References : 14

Assignment Key : H-18503


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Performance coaching is the process through which the coaches enable individuals or the coachees to identify and take actions on different aspects which are relevant and appropriate for their personal performance and growth and development. Performance coaching ideally involves a series of dialogues between the coach and the individuals who are getting coached in the process. Performance coaching is aimed at removing specific obstacles which are not letting an individual performance achieve excellence with simultaneous focus on learning and development. Performance coaching like the concept of coaching has seven specific key important principles – these are awareness, action, responsibility, self belief, blame free attitude, challenge and lastly focus on attention. Performance coaching has distinct and significant contributions to the overall organization and its work culture. The first impact can be observed in the positive impact of performance coaching to enable organizational learning as well as development. Performance coaching helps to enhance the performance of the employees and they achieve excellence and high efficiency, which can in turn be reflected in the enhanced organization performance. Performance coaching also helps organizations in achieving higher productivity. Lastly, a brief account has been provided on how performance coaching helps in transforming the business and making it more adaptable to the changing scenario. The core objective of the concept of performance coaching is not only to achieve a specific result but to overall induce the sense of development in the organization as well as individual members of the organization.

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